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What is EPQ?

  • the Extended Project Qualification
  • a compulsory part of the Langton curriculum for all students
  • a separate qualification that is officially worth half of an A level
  • the course starts in February of Y12, flowing directly out of the History of Ideas course, and students will complete their EPQs in the summer term of Y12
  • you choose any subject area you wish and set your own title (needs staff approval)
  • you carry out research
  • you work independently with support from a designated member of staff
  • you write a long essay (6000 words) [this applies to the Dissertation route, which most of our students follow. Other options that are available: Artefact, Investigation, Performance]
  • you deliver a 10 minute presentation to a small audience
  • you get a grade (A* to E) certified by the Edexcel exam board – in 2017 58% of students gained an A or A* grade (2016 = 62%).

Why do all Langton students do an EPQ?

  • free choice of subject with no constraints – pursue what stimulates your intellect
  • the pinnacle of 13 years of study
  • in-depth, high-level academic research


  • undergraduate (or higher) level research
  • reading academic texts
  • handling complex academic arguments
  • planning and writing an extended essay over a long period of time
  • presenting your ideas verbally

University entrance

  • your EPQ makes you more likely to get an offer
  • you can show real engagement with a β€œnew” subject area such as law or psychology
  • many universities will give you a lower offer if you do well in EPQ
  • universities are more likely to take you if you miss your A level grades
  • additional UCAS points