Parent Guides
Please click on the links below which you may find useful:
Communication Guide for Parents
East Area Directory of Support Services
Examination Access Arrangements
Hearing and Visual Impairments
Kent Parent Partnership Service
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
“A community of staff and students working together to remove barriers to achievement and further excellence through support, encouragement and the creation of an inclusive learning environment”
The Faculty of Support aims to provide direct support to students in addition to that which is provided on a day-to-day basis in the classroom by the teacher. The need for additional learning support may arise from a learning difficulty and/or disability, from academic under-achievement, or from literacy, numeracy or language support requirements. The Faculty will make provision for all students requiring additional support.
The faculty will continue to make specialist provision for students with Education, Health and Care Plans for ASD within the school’s specialist resourced provision (SRP). An allocation of up to three places per year group is funded by the local authority enabling the school to continue its specialist provision for ASD students. The ASD resourced provision is fully integrated into the Faculty of Support and operates within a single management structure.
Aims and Objectives
- To enable all pupils to have full access to the curriculum by supporting individual students with their specific learning needs, so that they can reach their full potential.
- To ensure both teaching and support staff are fully aware of the different types of educational needs faced by pupils, in order to make suitable provision in their curricular areas.
- To remove barriers to learning through an individualised understanding of each pupil and the creation of provision and teaching strategies where appropriate.
- To offer early intervention to those with an additional educational need and the implementation of necessary support whenever possible.
- To support students in becoming independent and confident learners.
- To work in close partnership with parents and carers keeping them informed of their child’s progress to ensure a unified approach to supporting their needs.
SEND Register
- All students identified as having SEND are placed on the school’s SEND Register. The register is updated regularly and is stored electronically to allow for confidentiality and accessibility for teaching staff to ensure that appropriate provision is made in planning and delivery of lessons.
- We also have an Additional Educational Needs register, so teachers can understand the learning profile of their classes.
Roles and Responsibilities
All teachers at Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys are teachers of students with special educational needs and therefore all have a responsibility and duty of care. The specialist staff are:
Assistant Head (Mental Health & Wellbeing): ASD Specialist Resourced Provision Coordinator & Pupil Premium Coordinator: Mrs C. Speed
SEN Coordinator: Miss S. Harvey
SEN Manager: Mrs N Hatton
Specialist assessor and exam arrangement coordinator: Mrs J Barnes
6th Form Learning Mentors
A team of Learning Support Assistants
Student Mentors
PD LSA/ Carer as required
The SEN Coordinator is responsible for:
- Overseeing the day to day operation of the Faculty
- Liaising with and advising colleagues
- Managing the SEN team of teachers and support assistants
- Maintaining the SEN register and overseeing SEN records
- Contributing to the in-service training of staff
Identification and Referrals
Identification may be through:
- SEN transfer information from previous school
- Initial screening tests. A wide gap between chronological age and reading score or noticeable discrepancies between verbal and non-verbal cognitive ability may be an indication of SEN
- Evidence of inadequate progress despite a suitably differentiated curriculum or appropriate teaching methods
- Observed specific literacy or numeracy difficulties which affect access to the curriculum
- Persistent emotional / behaviour/social difficulties which do not respond to the usual pastoral/behaviour management strategies employed in school.
Examples of provision available through the Faculty
Individual multi-sensory programme to support literacy and spelling
- Small group literacy sessions
- Access to specific adapted materials and equipment
- In-class support with LSA
- Mentoring
- Homework club
- Drop-in dyslexia support sessions
- Subject Support Mentors
Resourced Facility for Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
The educational programme for academically able students on the Autistic Spectrum came into operation in Sept 2005 to enhance the provision for boys on the Autistic Spectrum within the school so that they might have access to their entitlement both to be educated within a grammar school setting and to the national curriculum.
The school will admit three boys into year 7 each year who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) indicating that they are on the Autism Spectrum. However, it is acknowledged that there may be boys who would benefit from the programme, but who do not have EHCPs In such cases the decision to admit a boy to the programme will be made by the LEA and the school working together to consider the best interests of the boy and the availability of places on the programme.
One area of the school has been refurbished to provide a suite of rooms which is used daily by staff and students on the programme when withdrawal from timetabled curriculum lessons is deemed necessary or beneficial.
The school SEN Coordinator in collaboration with the ASD coordinator is responsible for liaison with the LEA when discussing possible applicants for the programme and is responsible for co-ordinating all contacts with parents and outside agencies. The SEN Coordinator will also arrange for appropriate assessments of the needs of each boy on the programme and will consider the most appropriate educational support. This support may involve in-class support through a Learning Support Assistant, and possibly partial withdrawal from the national curriculum. The SEN Coordinator is also responsible for arranging additional support for the boys on the programme, for example social and communication skills counselling, possible emotional counselling and speech therapy. The SEN Coordinator will also be responsible for providing support and professional development to the teaching and support staff.