01227 463567


Uniform can now be ordered online from School Colours Direct.  To order uniform, please click the logo below.  You will need to create an account or log-in to an existing account before you can order uniform.

Shipping is free-to-school on a fortnightly basis or it can be shipped to a home/work address.  Orders over £50 will be delivered free to an address of your choice.  Delivery information is available on the Schools Colours Direct web shop; just click on ‘Delivery & Returns’ which is on every garment page.

Free to School/Home deliveries

You can also choose to order online and ship to the School; this service is provided free of charge; it can take up to 2 weeks for your order to arrive at school as the free delivery is fortnightly on the second and fourth week of the month.  You will need to ensure your order is placed by the Sunday before the Friday collection day to ensure that it arrives at school in time.

Orders totalling more than £50 will be delivered for free to an address of your choice.

Your uniform order can be collected during term time from the School Uniform Shop on the dates shown below between 12.30 pm and 2pm.

We strongly suggest that orders placed during the summer holidays are sent to your home address so you have sufficient time to have the uniform before school starts.

CLICK HERE for Uniform Shop Opening dates/times

Directions to the Uniform Shop:  From reception, go straight along the corridor, turn right at the end (towards the DT department) and you will find the shop on the right hand side.

Uniform Fitting

We would advise you to try uniform sizes before you buy online so please call into the school for a fitting.  We have a sizing set available that you will be able to use to determine what size you require.  This service will only be available on the dates shown above in term time between 12.30pm-2 pm at the uniform shop.

Alternatively, contact us at for any further help or information.  Also, please see below for sizing guides:

Guide to measuring

Sizing correlation chart


There is information on the School Colours Direct web shop that will answer most queries.

For enquires about your uniform order please go to ‘Contact Us’ on the web shop.  Queries are answered by email at

Remember you MUST quote ‘school name’ along with the name on the order and order number.

How to order uniform items:-

  • Go to School Colours Direct Website
  • Orders need to be placed online by 10 am on the Wednesday of the week before delivery
  • Orders can take up to 2 weeks to be delivered
  • Items can be delivered directly to your home but prices will include a delivery fee
  • If you prefer to collect items from the school, there is no delivery fee and orders can be collected on the dates shown under uniform shop opening times.
  • When ordering uniform online to be delivered to the school, please can you include your child’s name in the delivery address
  • During the summer holidays, we will have a different schedule and arrangements for collecting uniform.
  • For any enquiries about your uniform order, please go to Contact Us on the School Colours Direct web shop: and you must quote Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, the name on the order and the order number

The school uniform to be worn by years 7 – 11 at school, travelling to and from school and on other appropriate occasions is:

Blazer and Tie Official School ColoursTo be purchased via School Colours Direct
Trousers Plain dark grey or blackAvailable from any retailer
Shoes Black or Dark Brown (NOT Sandals, Trainers or Boots)Available from any retailer
Shirt Years 7-10 WhiteAvailable from any retailer
Shirt Year 11Any restrained, plain colourAvailable from any retailer
Jumper V-necked grey, black or navy (optional)Available from any retailer

Ties can be purchased from the School Reception (£6.50) and may also be ordered from School Colours Direct.

Click HERE for guidance on school shoes

Second Hand Uniform 

Click HERE for a list of current stock.  Items can be viewed/purchased by parents or students during uniform shop opening times (see details above).  PLEASE NOTE that payment for second hand uniform can only be made by cash or cheque (payable to SLBS).

Labelling of Uniform

ALL items of uniform should be named so that if it is lost, it can be easily returned to your son.  There are many ways of doing this but you could consider buying a Stamptastic School Name Labels Deluxe Bundle which consists of one Personalised Name Stamp + One Stamptastic Ink Pad + One White Fabric Pen. Although not cheap some of our parents have been using this system for a few years, it saves you time, is quick and easy to use and stays on clothing even after numerous washes.  Whatever you want to mark – uniform, shoes, trainers, drinks bottles, rulers, calculators, this stamp puts your son’s name on it.

The Parents’ Association has signed up to Stamptastic’s Loyalty scheme and for every Langton parent who uses this link ( to purchase the School Name Labels Deluxe Bundle the PA will receive a percentage donation.

Physical Education Kit Requirements:

Each pupil will require the following kit for PE and Games:

Rugby/Football shirt OutdoorTo be purchased via School Colours Direct
White PE Top IndoorTo be purchased via School Colours Direct
Navy/maroon school shortsOutdoor and IndoorTo be purchased via School Colours Direct
Navy/maroon school football socksOutdoor and Indoor HockeyTo be purchased via School Colours Direct
White socksIndoor and Cross CountryAvailable from any retailer

Please click HERE for information about the embroidering of PE/Games kit.

Studded Boots must be worn for all grass activities e.g. football, rugby, etc. “Astro Shoes” are not suitable.

Indoor Non-Marking Trainers (basketball, indoor hockey, climbing, fitness etc. – dirty trainers will not be acceptable)

Outdoor Trainers (outdoor education, cross country, cricket, athletics etc.)

Shin Pads must be worn for association football (FA requirement) and are also advised for hockey.

Gum Shields are advised to be worn for both rugby and hockey. These can be purchased from the PE department at a cost of £3 (details regarding fitting and ordering will be given out at the start of the Autumn Term) as can safety studs which are required by all players representing the school.

Optional Kit:

Warm and water repellent outdoor sports training top (available from School Colours Direct)

Base layer leggings which can be worn under shorts (available from High Street sportswear retailers)

NB:     The above kit list, both the compulsory and optional items, include the only sports kit that is permissible in physical education lessons and when representing the school. Pupils will not be allowed to wear other generic tracksuit trousers or hoodies without special permission from the PE Department.

The PE department will advise any other specialised kit for sports teams.

Permitted Jewellery: a watch, one plain ball-type ear stud in each ear or one ear only.

In the Sixth Form uniform is not required, however guidelines are published to ensure a good standard of dress in school and appropriate dress for special occasions. Details can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus.

ALL STUDENTS must be well-kempt and are expected to take pride in their appearance. Hair should be clean, well-groomed, tidy and of natural colour. Long hair will need to be tied back at certain times (e.g. in laboratories or workshops). A ‘grade-two’ is the limit for short hair.

NO JEWELLERY of any kind may be worn for any Physical Education activity for Health and Safety reasons.