Mental Health and Well-Being
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
World Health Organisation (2014)
At Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys we recognise the need to support our students in many ways, to enable them to reach their potential. We have therefore, invested in a support team for those students experiencing difficulties while studying with us. This support goes beyond the pastoral support offered by the tutoring system, with an additional level of personalised help to ease through any problems during their time with us.
Along with the more individualised support, the school is also embedding ‘Wellbeing’ into the PSHE curriculum within the lower schools. This Curriculum aims to enable the boys to understand and discuss things that affect wellbeing and give them practical solutions to help themselves and others.
Roles and Responsibilities
Mrs Charlotte Speed – Assistant Head (Mental Health & Wellbeing): Deputy SENCo, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, ASD Specialist Resourced Provision Coordinator, Designated Teacher of CIC & Pupil Premium Coordinator.
Tina Langley – Senior Well-Being Mentor and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Graham English – Well-Being Mentor
The following are apps which can be downloaded via The App Store or The Play Store to phones and tablets, and are designed to support young people’s wellbeing:
- The Calm Harm app is designed to help young people experiencing self-harm.
- Download the Headspace app, an app that uses mindfulness exercises and encourages good sleep habits.
- Another app which promotes better sleep is called sleepio – they use CBT techniques to improve better sleep.
- Catch It is another app provided by the NHS, it is designed to manage feelings like anxiety and depression, teaching young people to think about problems in a different way.
- The Thrive: Mental Wellbeing app is similar, and helps young people prevent and manage stress, the Safespot app is another which is designed to help with coping skills.
- Grassroots – this is an app which can be used for anyone thinking of suicide, you can find further resources and get practical help.
The following websites can be accessed for information regarding bereavement, general wellbeing, drug and alcohol misuse, eating disorders and trauma:
- Cruse at offer support for people who have been bereaved, call their helpline or chat online via their website, or call their National Helpline on 0808 808 1677
- Grief Encounter Aim to provide support for anyone who has suffered a bereavement, call their helpline on 0208 371 8455 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, or check out their website for further information and resources:
- The Anna Freud webpage offers self-care strategies for young people, along with self-care help for parents and carers too.
- If you are worried your child may have an eating disorder contact BEAT on 0808 8010677, or
- For drug and alcohol support contact We Are With You on, they also offer counselling and CBT sessions.
- The UK Trauma Council can offer support and advice for those young people who have experienced a trauma in their lives:
In times of crisis, any of the following can be accessed online or by phone for support:
- For people of all ages needing immediate mental health support, just text the word “Kent” or “Medway” to 85258. This is a 24/7 text service provided by SHOUT and the Crisis Text Line as part of the Kent and Medway Release the Pressure campaign.
- Access for safe and anonymous support, join discussion boards and talk to qualified professionals. For ages 11 to 24 years, up to 10pm every day.
- Access to learn about mental health and find tips and resources to keep emotionally healthy.
- Texting Chat Healthfor support around physical and mental health on 07520 618850. The number is monitored Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
- Access the Big White Wall if aged 16+ for anonymous support through
- Call The Samaritans on 116 123
The Young Minds website provides a wealth of knowledge, information and resources for young people, their families and professionals alike, they have a helpline you access Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm on 0808 802 5544, or
Parentzone is another great resource for parents, offering help and advice.
If you are concerned about a young person and suicide:
- Papyrus is for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. For anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide call 0800 068 4141.
- The Ollie Foundation: One Life Lost is Enough, check out and
Parents and young people can also refer themselves to the Children and Young People Services, part of the NELFT NHS Foundation Trust, complete a SPA request for support form at or call 0800 011 3473 if the young person is in crisis and you are concerned for their safety.
You can also visit your nearest A&E department.
Speak to your child’s head of year at school and refer your young person to The Wellbeing Team at school.
Other useful information and notes are linked below:
GCSE Well-Being Handout for Parents
GCSE Well-Being Handout for Students
The Adolescent Brain Powerpoint
Other resources that may be of interest are Prof Blakemore’s Ted Talk: