Our subject supports students in exploring themselves and the world they live in. It runs parallel to the pastoral systems in place in the school and is delivered by staff members with real passion for, and extensive experience of, student development. It is non-examined with no end GCSE, instead focusing on the journey through education and then into later life, helping the students to develop key character traits and positive habits in line with the Langton attributes and the wider school ethos. Initially students will be given the opportunity to get to know themselves and their new surroundings and from there develop their emotional, physical, legal, moral, and economic well-being. The subject fully connects to all aspects of Langton life and provides a regular opportunity for reflection and development.
At the Langton each pupil at KS3 has a one hour lesson each week taught by a team of specialist teachers. Both PSHE and Citizenship are developed further during KS4 during a specially tailored programme.
During Key Stage 3 all boys will cover the following topics:
- Study skills: how to present work; why set homework; good and bad homework habits; revision techniques and strategies; coping with exams, learning styles.
- Reflecting on strengths and achievements and recognition of weaknesses and areas for improvement: target setting; managing time and learning effectively; making informed career and KS4 choices.
- Developing a healthy, safe lifestyle: puberty, alcohol, tobacco, basic facts and law about illegal substances (including school policies); contraception; safe sex; human reproduction; HIV and sexually transmitted infections; managing anxiety and stress.
- Prejudice and discrimination: showing concern for others; bullying – what it feels like and why people do it; the school’s code of practice and what is expected of individuals, recognition of and coping with peer pressure; why we have rules.
- Central and Local Government: what is democracy; voting and elections; the workings of parliament; how laws are made; concept of ‘fair trade’; the powers of the police and the justice system; Magistrates Court and crown Court powers; the role of the EU and the Commonwealth and the United Nations the diversity of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities and the need for mutual respect and understanding, the significance of the media in society.
Personal finance, bank accounts, loans, budgeting and consumer rights.
This course will develop and expand upon the topics studied during Key Stage 3. It will focus on the issues relevant to teenage Langton students in the modern world. We expect students to play a significant role in the shaping of their own learning in this subject.
The course will be structured around the ‘Langton Attributes’ as well as meeting the knowledge, understanding and skills defined in the programme of study for both Citizenship and PSHE Key Stage 4 in the National Curriculum.
Year 10 will begin with a 10 week course called .b (pronounced dotbee), which will introduce the students to the concept of mindfulness, and help them to explore their relationship with their thoughts and experiences. More information can be found at
Example Topics
Citizenship – Rights and Responsibilities –Looking at what it means to be a citizen, debating whether the smacking of children is acceptable, investigating the justification for age rights
PSHE – Careers and work related learning – Investigating career paths, learning how to apply for jobs both now and in the future, understanding workers’ rights and responsibilities.
There will be a range of formal and informal assessment methods used throughout the duration of the course and students will be expected to perform to an appropriate level.
The successful completion of this course is one requirement for entry into the school sixth form.
During the course students will be expected to ensure that learning also takes place outside of the classroom and we expect that they will involve themselves in extra-curricular activities both within school and throughout their wider communities.
Above all else, this subject will continue to support students’ personal, social and academic development as they progress through the school.