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The Langton is committed to providing a Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that recognises students as individuals and caters to their individual needs and aspirations. Our mission is to lead a community of learners who enjoy an ability to think creatively, critically and innovatively; who possess a strong sense of responsibility for the School, for the community and for the environment; and who have the will to use these skills, not only for the benefit of themselves, but also for the good of the wider world.
Careers Education at The Langton is treated as a priority to support students in their preparation for the world of work or further and higher education. Our provision aims to:
The careers programme is tailored to the needs of the different age groups with the intention that all students will be as well informed as possible about the education, employment and training options available to them throughout the various transitions in their lives. There is a structured careers and higher education programme in place across all year groups which has been developed to support our students in becoming employable and aspirational young people in accordance with the recommended Gatsby Benchmarks.
Below is a brief summary of the careers programme that we currently offer to our students however, if you wish to find out any more information about our careers provision at The Langton please do not hesitate to email our Careers and Progression Lead on the contact details below.
Name: Sarah Kendrick White
Year | Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Yr 7 |
Introduction to ‘Unifrog’ website as a tool to help develop a career plan. Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Exploring how personalities and interests link to careers. National Apprenticeship Week National Careers Week |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Exploring what careers are available and the skills routes you can take to get to them. | |
Yr 8 | Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Exploring careers; Identifying and developing skills; Roles in the armed forces and Writing a CV. |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: How students’ interests can link to careers, Careers related ter-minology, Exploring how school subjects link to ca-reers, Exploring stereotypes and Recording activities. Careers Fair March National Apprenticeship Week National Careers Week |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Environmental Careers, Revision techniques and GCSE choices. |
Yr 9 | Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: How personality traits can link to careers; Leadership skills; Identifying Interests and Exploring careers and careers terminology. |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Innovative and creative thinking; Explor-ing how school subject’s link to careers; Target setting and Revision skills. Options assemblies and form time activities leading up to ‘Options Evening’. KS4 options event. Careers Fair March National Apprenticeship Week National Careers Week |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Talking about activities; Computing careers; Problem Solving and What makes people successful. |
Yr 10 | Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Goal Setting; How personality traits can link to careers. |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Volunteering; Environmental Jobs and Writing skills. Lessons in PSHE reflecting on life skills and researching careers KS4 Careers Fair National Apprenticeship Week National Careers Week |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Revision techniques; Writing CVs and Covering Letters. Mock Interview Day |
Yr 11 |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: How students’ interests link to careers; Exploring careers; Tracking competencies; Post 16 routes; A-Level choices and MOOCs. Kent Choices– assembly on how to apply for post 16 courses Post 16 evening Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Volunteering; Apprenticeships and Universities. Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: Revision techniques and Coping with change. Post 16 taster sessions in Induction week Head of Year and Careers Lead and team provide extra support to students considering moving from the school or at risk of not achieving published entry requirements. |
Yr 12 | Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
Introduction to ‘Unifrog’ web-site as a tool to help develop a career plan for new stu-dents. UCAS, Apprenticeships, Jobs and other options following the 6th form. Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
Small group sessions: UCAS, future education, training and employment options covered in tutor sessions. Fortnightly Unifrog Careers activities covering: How students’ interests link to careers; Exploring careers; Tracking competencies; Post 18 routes; Apprenticeships, Jobs and University. Work Internships Student Finance assembly. |
Yr 13 |
UCAS, Apprenticeships, Jobs and other options following the 6th form. Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
UCAS, Apprenticeships, Jobs and other options following the 6th form. Careers meeting available on request / as needed |
Careers meeting available on request / as needed |